Making routine easy!

An at-home workout solution to help take care of your body quickly and effectively from home!

The Home Gym Equipment

  • Downloadable App
  • Complete Workout Program
  • Full-Body Workout Program
  • All using resistance bands, from home!
make working out Fast easy

So it doesn't take up a lot of your time.

So it doesn't take up a lot of your life.

So that you can fit it into your life easier and stick with it a lot easier.

make working out convenient accessible

Use resistance bands at home to workout.

Have workouts on your phone so its always accessible.

Workout in the time it takes to travel to the gym and back.

take work off of your plate

The planning is all done for you!

Less thinking, more doing what makes a difference.

Make your workout routine a slip'n'slide, not a high hill to climb.

Why make things so easy

So that more people can start working out & work out consistently

So that more people experience the benefits of resistance training

So that more people live with the benefits of resistance training

Make working out routine

This program is meant to help you make working out regular and routine. It is made to be quick, easy, and digestible. By eliminating the travel time, adding convenience and the ability to do your workouts at home - the hope is that you can make working out a routine part of your life - kind of like brushing your teeth - making it something that you do on a regular basis for the betterment of your health and life.

how does resistance training help your body and health?

"Human musculoskeletal system


It builds muscle and strength, improves tendon and ligament health, improves bone density.

It reinforce joint areas (knees, ankle, hips, shoulder, elbow, wrist) which can help with physical pain

"Cardiovascular system


It improves circulation, strengthens your heart & blood vessels, and improves your overall cardiovascular system.

Brain power concept with abstract light rays


It improve brain capacity, increases processing speed, aids learning capacity, helps memory, enhances thinking ability & executive function of the brain

Young man feeling energized and rejuvenated


It helps Increase energy and feeling of overall wellbeing. It helps decrease stress hormone and increase feel-good hormone. It can also help improve sleep quality

Performance level


It helps improve body awareness, balance, coordination, movement control, and overall physical performance.

It helps improve mobility, flexibility, range of motion, and looseness of the body.

Mission accomplished


The best part of it all:

You get the satisfaction of actively building your body and your health, which are two big things that help you live your life. Your actions are the biggest reward of them all, because it takes you to do it.

Live Your Life

How we achieve those benefits

Training Plan

Working your whole body

Working your body evenly

20 different workouts

10 upper body workouts

10 lower body workouts

20 minutes per workout

20 seconds per exercise

10 seconds rest in between

18 exercises per workout

2 sets of 18 different movements

36 movements total per workout.

12 minutes of work

With 6 minutes of rest built in

And 2 minutes of set up time

360 different exercises

12 minutes of work + 6 minutes of rest + 2 minutes of set up time = 20 minutes total!

Chest Area

Shoulder Area

Glutes Area

Hamstring Area

Upper Back Area

Lower/Mid Back


Hip Area

Groin /Inside Area


Quads Area

Outside Leg Area

Core - 6 Pack

Core - Obliques


pure magician

Difference Maker

Game cHanger


What would you be

doing for yourself?

Workout 2 times per week

2,880 movements per month

34,560 movements per year

Workout 4 times per week

5,760 movements per month

69,120 movements per year

Workout Every Day

10,800 movements per month

129,600 movements per year

(These numbers are based on a 10 rep, 2 sets average)


You build your body from home

A stronger body

A healthier body

A more toned body

A more able body

A more energized body

A more functional body

A looser body

A less pain body

A feeling-overall-better body

A better overall vehicle for life

And make your own personal Human Body Shop at home


Carve out 20 minutes in a day to do it.

Push your muscles to burn, fatigue and tire for each exercise

Follow the exercises designed for the day.

That's it!

Maybe put on your favorite music, and do the workouts in between laundry or while the food is cooking. Why not?

building a foundation for your body

What is foundation training?

Foundation training is a “start.” It is a “pressing go” type of training. It is a “step 1” type training program.

Foundation training activates and wakes up the muscles you already have. Foundation training builds your muscles, strengthens your joints and ligaments, and aims towards overall functionality.

Foundation training is the king of functionality.

Foundation training is meant to build a foundation for your entire body. It is non-specific, non-complex training meant to start the workout process and/or lead into another more advanced form of training.

With this foundation training program, it is meant to work your whole body, work your whole body thoroughly, and work your whole body evenly. It is not meant to overwork anyone, but still challenge anyone.

There is a lot of movement variation to work your body in many different angles, directions, and ways. The movements can help you understand the basics of how your body works, what muscles do what, and provide a foundation of body awareness.

Check Mark Illustration


1.Work your body evenly, with balance between all muscle groups

2.Strategically work different parts of your body each day.

3.Break down each area of the body into digestible, bite-sized workouts

Check Mark Illustration

Training Diversity

1.Provide enough variation and constantly changing stimulus to we avoid stagnation & plateau.

2.Enhance range of motion, flexibility, and overall functionality as much as possible by working the body in enough different angles and directions.

3.Help body awareness as much as possible and build a foundation for movement – to enhance balance, control, and coordination in the present, but also prepare the body for more challenging and physically demanding things for the future.

Check Mark Illustration

Everyday Training Format

1. Build a routine that your body gets used to, and a way of life that sticks.

2. Utilize your body’s natural 24 hour energy cycle strategically and beneficially, always using your revitalized/renewed energy each day, and never having a workout overwork you.

3. Have a steady staple in your life that can help thrive your body, health, and life.

Who is it good for, and how can it be used?


Who is it good for, and how can it be used?



Tired Unmotivated Young Sportsman Lying on Floor after Giving up Fitness Training with Dumbbells

Start up program

Because of the simplicity of the movements, almost anyone can do it. If you are someone who has not strength trained or resistance trained before, this is a great way to start. If you are someone who has been off the wagon for a while, this is a great way to get back on the wagon. Because the movements are low impact movements, it is a sure way to keep your body healthy as you build your body into what you want it to be.



Friends working out

Everyday Health program

For someone who just wants to start working out more, this program provides a very easy way to do that. If you want a quick training program for the maintenance, building, and upkeep of your physical health - this is a great asset to help that cause. Fast and effective workouts that work your entire body, helping you build your whole body up, and build your understanding of your body with it. It is also a great way to help the longevity of your body.

Pain & Stiffness

Back Pain

Quality of life program

The movements are low impact movements, meaning less stress on your joints and ligaments, and more healthy strengthening of them. Because of that, this program is great for those with physical pain who would not want to perform more high impact movements that could potentially provide more pain. This program will actually help with that pain by reinforcing weak, stiff, and annoying joint areas. The movements will also help stretch out the fascia in the body, helping loosen up stiff areas and enhance mobility greatly.


Healthy female athlete

Supplemental Program

Because of the low impact movements and movement variation, this program can serve as a great active recovery and injury prevention program for someone who is already doing a lot of physically demanding things or other high impact things. This training plan provides a solution to help the muscles, help the joints and ligaments, without putting a ton of impact and jamming motion on them. Doing these workouts in between your other workouts provides a great way to improve more, stay healthy, and prevent injury.

Masterpiece in the making
Parental Advisory Explicit Content

Paint your picture

Young beautiful artist creating a masterpiece
Parental Advisory Explicit Content
brush stroke text box


Glass Text Box



Heavy Resistance

Moderate Resistance

Light Resistance

Glass Text Box

Aim & Focus

Get muscles pumping as much as possible, move the heaviest resistance you can until your muscles can move no more. Focus on time under tension and keeping your muscles working.

Focus on form, function, and learning your body. Still fatigue your muscles and get them burning, but you don't have to kill yourself.

Aim to tire your body, build sweat, get your heart rate up. This training is more aimed towards burning calories, cardiovascular benefits, heart health, circulation, and energy.



brush stroke text box

Build Muscle

6-10 Reps

Slow Movements

brush stroke text box

Muscle + Tone

10 Reps

Comfortable &

Controlled Pace


brush stroke text box

Tone + Burn

High Tempo


12-20 Reps

simple text box

Build the body that you want....

Craft your specific vehicle

for your wants, needs and life.

The most important part!

What do you want? What are your goals and aspirations? What change do you want to make? What do you want to make better in your life?

What is your vision for yourself and what inspires you to do it?

The more that you dig in yourself and find what fires you up, the better off you are in achieving what you want to achieve.

The clearer the picture you have for yourself and what you want, the more motivated you will be in achieving it.

This is your vehicle of life we are talking about. It gets you everywhere and does a lot for you. What do you do want to do for it? What do you want to make your vehicle of life into?

Really think about what you want to build for yourself. Because that is the fuel that will drive you, and the volume level of energy that you apply to your workouts.

The more energy you have to pursue your goals, the better. The louder your speaker system on the inside, the more energy you are going to put towards this workout program and the more likely you are to achieve what you want to achieve.

Your vision & Goals

how is your vehicle of life working for you?

Businessman with broken down car
speeding car disintegrating
Broken down car, standing on breakdown lane.

Is your vehicle of life helping you live the life that you want to live?

craft your vehicle of life

Carbon Fiber Luxury Sports Car.

Invest in your Body

Invest in your health

Invest in your life

build your vehicle of life

Sun Icon

Get a quality resistance band set-up for $99

Which has everything you need for this program, including:

  • 9 Quality, Natural Resistance Bands
  • 1 Door Anchor
  • 2 Handles
  • 2 Ankle Attachments
  • 2 Carry Bags

From shelter fitness

A trustworthy and reliable company with customer service,

They sell quality resistance bands at a fair price,.

They all natural bands made from 100% Malaysian Latex

The company specializes in sports equipment

They are a USA owned and operated company

With fast and free shipping

Save an additional $10 by entering code


at checkout

Get 4 free workouts just by downloading the app

  • Along with an introduction and free learning about the training program

Get the complete program

what you get:

  • Access to 20 Different Workouts and all 360 different exercises
  • Coaching Videos for each exercise and workout
  • A Documented Training Plan with all exercises and workouts for your resource
  • Additional Resources such as: Coaching Tips, Workout Tracking, a Support Page with Q + A, a Community Page, & Your Own Profile with Activity History.
  • Ongoing Coaching Pointers to enhance your workout experience

Foundation Monthly

for $27/month

  • Get Access to the full training program monthly. Cancel at anytime.
  • Download the app and subscribe there!

Foundation for life

for a one time investment of $197

  • Have permanent access to the complete training program so you can use it for life! This purchase unlocks everything instantly.

one on one coaching

Build a 3 month plan. Specialize your workouts. Build a plan for nutrition and diet.. Discover supplements. Have accountability. Have monthly check-ins and goal discovery. Have a teammate and a personal coach.

Best for people who really want to conquer their goals and get more involved. At the end - get a plaque when you DO conquer your goals - to remind you that you can do anything and sustain a habit for life. Email for more info.

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on request



About the creator

Purpose of the Program

When creating this program from scratch, I asked myself, "what does the world need most?" "What would be the most beneficial program we could create?" "What is missing most and what would help the most people?"

The answer I got was an EASY TO DO workout program. Something that you could do from home, something you could do fast, and something that makes achieving a greater standard of health easier to do.

My ultimate goal is helping change our standards for our own health and how we take care of ourselves and our bodies - with this program providing a quick and easy way to do that.

Making working out a "regular" thing in peoples lives is my largest goal. I think it was the world needs, what the words is lacking, and I think this is a viable way to make working out a regular part of many peoples lives.

Personal Experience

The picture to my left is still my favorite picture of life. I coached collegiate track and field for 4 years, and was involved in athletics my whole life. This is where I learned a ton in terms of the human body and how to craft it.

My love for coaching, along with helping people, is what fueled this program. I have learned a lot about what it takes to build your body towards a specific goal and different ways to train it.

I also helped people with supplements and nutrition for 3 years. Health, workouts and nutrition have taken up a large part of my life. It is my craft, worldly interest, my home, and where a lot of my skills in life are at.

My hope and goal is to bring these skills to your life to make your life better.

Any questions?

Brush Stroke Element


And you will be taken care of!!